When NAS Meets Trees: An Efficient Algorithm for Neural Architecture Search


The key challenge in neural architecture search (NAS) is designing how to explore wisely in the huge search space. We propose a new NAS method called TNAS (NAS with trees), which improves search efficiency by exploring only a small number of architectures while also achieving a higher search accuracy. TNAS introduces an architecture tree and a binary operation tree, to factorize the search space and substantially reduce the exploration size. TNAS performs a modified bi-level Breadth-First Search in the proposed trees to discover a high-performance architecture. Impressively, TNAS finds the global optimal architecture on CIFAR-10 with test accuracy of 94.37% in four GPU hours in NAS-Bench-201. The average test accuracy is 94.35%, which outperforms the state-of-the-art.

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW), 2022
Chen Zhao
Chen Zhao
Research Scientist

My research interests include computer vision, deep learning, image/video understanding, image/video processing, image/video generation.